all postcodes in BD8 / BRADFORD

find any address or company within the BD8 postcode district

Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD8 0NG 8 0 53.799914 -1.805597
BD8 0NH 9 0 53.796603 -1.820657
BD8 0NJ 21 0 53.796996 -1.819061
BD8 0NL 29 0 53.797383 -1.819879
BD8 0NP 23 0 53.797612 -1.816766
BD8 0NQ 13 0 53.800913 -1.806852
BD8 0NR 11 0 53.796947 -1.816329
BD8 0NS 12 0 53.797917 -1.816051
BD8 0NT 13 0 53.7979 -1.816962
BD8 0NU 30 0 53.797583 -1.814884
BD8 0NW 22 0 53.797144 -1.816009
BD8 0PA 36 7 53.794713 -1.809677
BD8 0PB 15 0 53.79522 -1.809793
BD8 0PD 24 0 53.795714 -1.810064
BD8 0PE 12 0 53.79638 -1.810471
BD8 0PF 16 0 53.797082 -1.810969
BD8 0PG 8 0 53.79763 -1.810739
BD8 0PH 31 0 53.798074 -1.813287
BD8 0PJ 4 0 53.797563 -1.813775
BD8 0PL 4 0 53.797943 -1.815262