all postcodes in BD / Bradford

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Postcode Area

BD / Bradford

Postcode District

BD / Bradford

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BD1 2HJ 1 1 53.802636 -1.755843
BD1 2HQ 210 3 53.795872 -1.763992
BD1 2HS 44 7 53.795064 -1.762885
BD1 2JA 1 1 53.794623 -1.762387
BD1 2JD 5 5 53.79579 -1.766327
BD1 2JH 4 3 53.795207 -1.764194
BD1 2JL 3 0 53.795503 -1.766648
BD1 2JN 3 2 53.796246 -1.766799
BD1 2JS 13 13 53.797097 -1.769846
BD1 2JT 1 1 53.796116 -1.767616
BD1 2JX 5 5 53.796591 -1.766824
BD1 2JY 1 1 53.797844 -1.768851
BD1 2LA 3 2 53.797516 -1.768204
BD1 2LB 4 4 53.797297 -1.769401
BD1 2LD 3 1 53.797089 -1.768476
BD1 2LF 4 4 53.797927 -1.767033
BD1 2LG 5 5 53.797231 -1.767519
BD1 2LJ 4 0 53.797464 -1.764363
BD1 2LL 63 1 53.797051 -1.764457
BD1 2LU 9 4 53.794893 -1.758013