all postcodes in BH1 / BOURNEMOUTH

find any address or company within the BH1 postcode district

Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BH1 4LE 15 2 50.727543 -1.837215
BH1 4LG 14 3 50.72893 -1.838797
BH1 4LH 26 4 50.728361 -1.837679
BH1 4LJ 17 3 50.729179 -1.838675
BH1 4LL 9 2 50.729731 -1.839347
BH1 4LQ 15 4 50.727812 -1.837001
BH1 4LT 1 0 50.730378 -1.840711
BH1 4NB 9 8 50.731159 -1.838081
BH1 4NF 16 3 50.734386 -1.844049
BH1 4NG 14 0 50.731443 -1.841877
BH1 4NJ 14 0 50.733522 -1.843613
BH1 4NL 21 1 50.734378 -1.844588
BH1 4NN 3 3 50.733399 -1.838569
BH1 4NP 4 0 50.731001 -1.842635
BH1 4NQ 57 1 50.732368 -1.842631
BH1 4NR 32 0 50.732708 -1.846464
BH1 4NS 34 0 50.733371 -1.844959
BH1 4NT 31 0 50.734163 -1.845524
BH1 4NU 29 0 50.733841 -1.846361
BH1 4NW 34 0 50.731012 -1.84287