all postcodes in BH1 / BOURNEMOUTH

find any address or company within the BH1 postcode district

Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BH1 9SU 1 1 50.722444 -1.882012
BH1 9SW 1 1 50.722444 -1.882012
BH1 9SX 1 1 50.722444 -1.882012
BH1 9BW 1 0 50.727898 -1.863614
BH1 9DJ 0 50.727909 -1.863623
BH1 9DP 0 50.727898 -1.863614
BH1 9DR 1 50.727898 -1.863614
BH1 9DX 1 1 50.727909 -1.863623
BH1 9DY 1 1 50.727909 -1.863623
BH1 9EH 1 1 50.727909 -1.863623
BH1 9FB 1 1 50.727898 -1.863614
BH1 9FX 1 50.727898 -1.863614
BH1 9GD 1 1 50.727909 -1.863623
BH1 9GE 1 1 50.727898 -1.863614
BH1 9GF 1 1 50.727898 -1.863614
BH1 9GZ 1 1 50.727909 -1.863623
BH1 9JJ 1 1 50.727909 -1.863623
BH1 9JS 1 1 50.727909 -1.863623
BH1 9JW 1 1 50.727909 -1.863623
BH1 9LX 0 50.727909 -1.863623