all postcodes in BH11 / BOURNEMOUTH

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Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BH11 8DD 38 0 50.755659 -1.908538
BH11 8DE 13 0 50.759134 -1.901485
BH11 8DF 20 0 50.758801 -1.902237
BH11 8DG 17 0 50.757309 -1.902737
BH11 8DH 49 0 50.75707 -1.90665
BH11 8DJ 6 0 50.757991 -1.901403
BH11 8DL 6 0 50.757813 -1.903232
BH11 8DN 15 1 50.758654 -1.909567
BH11 8DP 12 0 50.75786 -1.907845
BH11 8DQ 42 0 50.75644 -1.906935
BH11 8DR 13 0 50.757152 -1.909017
BH11 8DS 2 0 50.757215 -1.910554
BH11 8DT 2 0 50.75797 -1.910921
BH11 8DU 16 7 50.758142 -1.909753
BH11 8DW 12 0 50.758409 -1.907971
BH11 8DX 54 0 50.757809 -1.908761
BH11 8DY 4 0 50.758728 -1.911254
BH11 8DZ 3 0 50.758566 -1.910829
BH11 8EA 10 0 50.758323 -1.911425
BH11 8EB 8 0 50.758979 -1.910247