all postcodes in BH14 / POOLE

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Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BH14 0JX 30 3 50.724057 -1.952934
BH14 0JY 7 2 50.723726 -1.953693
BH14 0LB 15 0 50.723591 -1.952957
BH14 0LG 34 4 50.726934 -1.951925
BH14 0LJ 15 0 50.727824 -1.95055
BH14 0LL 44 0 50.726548 -1.949794
BH14 0LN 14 0 50.726114 -1.948724
BH14 0LP 57 1 50.725668 -1.95345
BH14 0LQ 41 0 50.727969 -1.95128
BH14 0LR 13 0 50.727278 -1.953165
BH14 0LS 1 1 50.724709 -1.961881
BH14 0LT 64 3 50.7246 -1.958948
BH14 0LU 7 1 50.726829 -1.956084
BH14 0LW 4 0 50.725684 -1.949328
BH14 0LX 36 0 50.730209 -1.951505
BH14 0LY 39 6 50.724284 -1.958601
BH14 0LZ 7 0 50.726469 -1.955773
BH14 0NA 29 0 50.728222 -1.953604
BH14 0NB 1 0 50.729489 -1.951491
BH14 0ND 15 0 50.728556 -1.95604