all postcodes in BH15 / POOLE

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Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BH15 4PB 8 0 50.723393 -2.010573
BH15 4PD 30 0 50.72422 -2.00934
BH15 4PE 40 0 50.723429 -2.009737
BH15 4PF 16 0 50.722889 -2.009425
BH15 4PG 11 0 50.722368 -2.008703
BH15 4PH 42 0 50.722052 -2.009886
BH15 4PJ 2 0 50.722403 -2.011062
BH15 4PL 33 0 50.721612 -2.009949
BH15 4PN 20 0 50.721945 -2.011082
BH15 4PP 51 0 50.724049 -2.012769
BH15 4PQ 9 0 50.721504 -2.008192
BH15 4PR 46 0 50.725631 -2.014894
BH15 4PS 16 0 50.724256 -2.013619
BH15 4PT 42 0 50.725919 -2.014413
BH15 4PU 12 0 50.726603 -2.015773
BH15 4PX 42 0 50.727124 -2.015561
BH15 4PY 41 0 50.727682 -2.012586
BH15 4PZ 43 0 50.726801 -2.013095
BH15 4QA 10 0 50.721082 -2.009609
BH15 4QB 36 0 50.725038 -2.013081