all postcodes in BH16 / POOLE

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Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BH16 5PW 2 50.739162 -2.028965
BH16 5PX 0 50.740736 -2.032359
BH16 5PY 0 50.741328 -2.034684
BH16 5PZ 0 50.742147 -2.034288
BH16 5QA 0 50.741895 -2.034372
BH16 5QB 0 50.742137 -2.03526
BH16 5QD 0 50.741966 -2.037646
BH16 5QE 0 50.742291 -2.034784
BH16 5QF 0 50.742353 -2.036045
BH16 5QG 0 50.741624 -2.038468
BH16 5QH 0 50.742029 -2.037916
BH16 5QJ 0 50.742055 -2.039191
BH16 5QL 0 50.739802 -2.026775
BH16 5QN 0 50.740521 -2.026506
BH16 5QP 0 50.740152 -2.0272
BH16 5QQ 0 50.742317 -2.036484
BH16 5QR 0 50.740683 -2.026974
BH16 5QS 0 50.741744 -2.027031
BH16 5QT 0 50.739334 -2.027271
BH16 5QU 0 50.739855 -2.027668