all postcodes in BH1 / BOURNEMOUTH

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Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BH1 1RE 36 0 50.727628 -1.869617
BH1 1RF 11 0 50.728458 -1.871569
BH1 1RG 31 0 50.727254 -1.872749
BH1 1RH 41 0 50.729644 -1.870985
BH1 1RJ 12 0 50.730518 -1.872612
BH1 1RL 12 0 50.730112 -1.873483
BH1 1RN 20 0 50.728578 -1.868529
BH1 1RP 44 2 50.731247 -1.872667
BH1 1RQ 64 0 50.72934 -1.872913
BH1 1RR 4 0 50.72821 -1.867433
BH1 1RS 103 0 50.729383 -1.870575
BH1 1PP 9 0 50.73014 -1.872146
BH1 1PS 9 0 50.730735 -1.873264
BH1 1RT 10 0 50.730104 -1.871792
BH1 1RU 10 0 50.722337 -1.86694
BH1 1RW 3 2 50.730406 -1.870932
BH1 1RX 9 2 50.722481 -1.866458
BH1 1RZ 36 1 50.723308 -1.866823
BH1 1SA 1 1 50.722337 -1.86694
BH1 1SB 1 1 50.72303 -1.86664