all postcodes in BH2 / BOURNEMOUTH

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Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BH2 6DY 1 1 50.722444 -1.882012
BH2 6DZ 1 1 50.722444 -1.882012
BH2 6EA 1 1 50.723414 -1.881741
BH2 6ED 1 1 50.720661 -1.879651
BH2 6EE 37 0 50.720804 -1.879438
BH2 6EG 1 1 50.720283 -1.880105
BH2 6EJ 9 8 50.720894 -1.879367
BH2 6EN 1 1 50.721415 -1.879153
BH2 6EP 1 1 50.722269 -1.878471
BH2 6EZ 11 11 50.721963 -1.878019
BH2 6EY 1 1 50.722195 -1.8852
BH2 6HE 2 1 50.720568 -1.879119
BH2 6HH 1 1 50.721412 -1.878309
BH2 6HR 1 1 50.72252 -1.877465
BH2 6HS 1 1 50.72252 -1.877465
BH2 6HT 5 5 50.722286 -1.877621
BH2 6JF 5 0 50.727047 -1.881236
BH2 6JG 11 0 50.727982 -1.880865
BH2 6JJ 18 2 50.722876 -1.883244
BH2 6JL 1 1 50.722135 -1.879647