all postcodes in BH21 / WIMBORNE

find any address or company within the BH21 postcode district

Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BH21 2QG 25 0 50.804738 -1.978122
BH21 2QH 8 0 50.802553 -1.977811
BH21 2QL 17 0 50.804567 -1.974361
BH21 2QN 25 0 50.804117 -1.974489
BH21 2QP 16 0 50.80525 -1.973737
BH21 2QQ 15 0 50.803785 -1.977427
BH21 2QR 6 1 50.805655 -1.97534
BH21 2QS 2 0 50.809366 -1.964445
BH21 2QT 15 0 50.805764 -1.97859
BH21 2QU 27 0 50.806744 -1.979725
BH21 2QW 14 0 50.805699 -1.971508
BH21 2QX 11 0 50.803569 -1.975142
BH21 2RA 5 0 50.805337 -1.941621
BH21 2RE 12 0 50.806941 -1.976872
BH21 2RF 8 0 50.807211 -1.97463
BH21 2RG 3 1 50.806698 -1.974587
BH21 2RH 2 0 50.80775 -1.976481
BH21 2RJ 1 0 50.808488 -1.975523
BH21 2RL 5 0 50.808442 -1.971308
BH21 2RN 3 0 50.806491 -1.974375