all postcodes in BH21 / WIMBORNE

find any address or company within the BH21 postcode district

Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BH21 1NW 1 0 50.80607 -1.986913
BH21 1NX 9 0 50.804667 -1.98299
BH21 1NY 15 0 50.806304 -1.985671
BH21 1NZ 16 0 50.805998 -1.985984
BH21 1PA 5 0 50.800729 -1.987362
BH21 1PB 1 1 50.801457 -1.987702
BH21 1PD 63 0 50.802384 -1.987773
BH21 1PE 6 0 50.804038 -1.987815
BH21 1PF 6 6 50.800477 -1.987064
BH21 1PG 19 0 50.805657 -1.990752
BH21 1PH 9 0 50.807392 -1.98577
BH21 1PJ 6 0 50.802896 -1.987588
BH21 1PL 43 2 50.803427 -1.987226
BH21 1PP 37 1 50.803355 -1.988297
BH21 1PQ 50 0 50.79822 -1.988228
BH21 1PR 1 1 50.800846 -1.988681
BH21 1PS 1 1 50.800378 -1.988234
BH21 1PU 44 0 50.802716 -1.98651
BH21 1PW 19 0 50.802114 -1.986637
BH21 1PX 38 0 50.80474 -1.989134