all postcodes in BH23 / CHRISTCHURCH

find any address or company within the BH23 postcode district

Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BH23 6NW 68 52 50.785084 -1.849718
BH23 6SE 20 15 50.779242 -1.832092
BH23 6YU 1 1 50.739943 -1.7821
BH23 6NX 72 27 50.784838 -1.854215
BH23 6BL 3 2 50.782336 -1.859159
BH23 6BW 10 6 50.783405 -1.85161
BH23 6LP 15 0 50.797684 -1.818029
BH23 6BU 1 50.788622 -1.845103
BH23 6HH 2 2 50.783255 -1.853738