all postcodes in BH4 / POOLE

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Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BH4 8DG 50 0 50.719651 -1.896015
BH4 8DH 48 0 50.72041 -1.899739
BH4 8DJ 14 0 50.715664 -1.892256
BH4 8DN 54 0 50.719531 -1.902163
BH4 8DQ 36 0 50.720066 -1.897912
BH4 8DS 8 0 50.719335 -1.904557
BH4 8DT 46 6 50.720975 -1.901684
BH4 8DU 13 0 50.719208 -1.904076
BH4 8DX 63 3 50.720311 -1.902648
BH4 8DY 8 0 50.721509 -1.902329
BH4 8DZ 27 1 50.720124 -1.904731
BH4 8EA 1 1 50.721823 -1.901011
BH4 8EB 21 0 50.718615 -1.903794
BH4 8ED 94 0 50.721223 -1.903987
BH4 8EG 62 4 50.720656 -1.903464
BH4 8EL 66 2 50.720801 -1.904781
BH4 8EN 29 1 50.718616 -1.90514
BH4 8EP 1 1 50.716798 -1.903274
BH4 8ER 93 3 50.721581 -1.905507
BH4 8ES 1 1 50.721916 -1.905558