all postcodes in BH5 / BOURNEMOUTH

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Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BH5 2JL 17 0 50.728746 -1.823736
BH5 2JN 45 0 50.729857 -1.820984
BH5 2JP 20 0 50.730204 -1.824836
BH5 2JQ 25 1 50.729303 -1.823479
BH5 2JS 21 0 50.729307 -1.820263
BH5 2JT 20 0 50.728803 -1.819967
BH5 2JU 30 3 50.730314 -1.821371
BH5 2JW 10 0 50.730341 -1.819976
BH5 2JX 5 0 50.7303 -1.82264
BH5 2JY 9 0 50.730416 -1.822101
BH5 2JZ 51 0 50.730696 -1.823091
BH5 2LA 29 0 50.731123 -1.820872
BH5 2WG 1 1 50.727909 -1.863623
BH5 2AU 3 0 50.727113 -1.826392
BH5 2HW 14 0 50.729643 -1.822543
BH5 2BD 1 0 50.727758 -1.818951
BH5 2BE 10 0 50.728005 -1.827508
BH5 2BG 7 0 50.72776 -1.820085
BH5 2YX 1 1 50.727909 -1.863623
BH5 2BU 14 0 50.727433 -1.818032