all postcodes in BH8 / BOURNEMOUTH

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Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BH8 8BS 5 1 50.733099 -1.850302
BH8 8BT 21 13 50.732443 -1.851557
BH8 8BU 17 0 50.731782 -1.85358
BH8 8BX 14 7 50.731951 -1.852658
BH8 8BZ 24 4 50.731162 -1.854247
BH8 8DA 37 5 50.730541 -1.855672
BH8 8DD 21 2 50.730095 -1.85673
BH8 8DE 27 2 50.729279 -1.858447
BH8 8DG 34 0 50.728579 -1.859951
BH8 8DH 2 2 50.727383 -1.861972
BH8 8DL 2 2 50.726499 -1.865228
BH8 8DN 1 1 50.726499 -1.865228
BH8 8DQ 7 3 50.727771 -1.860988
BH8 8DY 15 15 50.725031 -1.863659
BH8 8DZ 1 1 50.724908 -1.866181
BH8 8EA 1 1 50.724024 -1.863818
BH8 8EF 1 1 50.724908 -1.866181
BH8 8EG 1 1 50.729116 -1.857796
BH8 8EH 42 13 50.7229 -1.865754
BH8 8EJ 1 1 50.723298 -1.865492