all postcodes in BH8 / BOURNEMOUTH

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Postcode Area

BH / Bournemouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BH8 9PQ 15 0 50.750268 -1.844422
BH8 9PR 2 0 50.751074 -1.850039
BH8 9PS 27 0 50.74917 -1.85159
BH8 9PT 15 0 50.748231 -1.85462
BH8 9PU 4 4 50.747687 -1.858548
BH8 9PW 1 1 50.747638 -1.849483
BH8 9PY 1 1 50.748604 -1.858446
BH8 9PZ 1 1 50.749292 -1.854546
BH8 9QA 36 0 50.750365 -1.850191
BH8 9QB 22 0 50.750211 -1.84876
BH8 9QG 8 3 50.736858 -1.865099
BH8 9QJ 24 6 50.739751 -1.86392
BH8 9QP 19 5 50.741128 -1.863188
BH8 9QQ 22 7 50.738025 -1.864563
BH8 9QR 4 50.74162 -1.862341
BH8 9QS 2 50.74207 -1.861796
BH8 9QT 7 50.74296 -1.861453
BH8 9QW 2 50.740544 -1.863926
BH8 9QY 2 50.744002 -1.861938
BH8 9QZ 0 50.744553 -1.862072