all postcodes in BL1 / BOLTON

find any address or company within the BL1 postcode district

Postcode Area

BL / Bolton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BL1 3NZ 0 53.591365 -2.439563
BL1 3PA 11 53.590652 -2.436173
BL1 3PB 0 53.591886 -2.44025
BL1 3PD 0 53.591875 -2.438558
BL1 3PE 2 53.592414 -2.438609
BL1 3PF 3 53.593002 -2.44008
BL1 3PG 0 53.593086 -2.441622
BL1 3PH 0 53.59164 -2.441335
BL1 3PJ 0 53.592559 -2.44068
BL1 3PL 0 53.592493 -2.441525
BL1 3PN 0 53.591871 -2.442093
BL1 3PP 0 53.5918 -2.44173
BL1 3PQ 0 53.593247 -2.441669
BL1 3PR 1 53.592013 -2.441851
BL1 3PS 0 53.591805 -2.442712
BL1 3PT 0 53.591401 -2.442632
BL1 3PU 1 53.591784 -2.441065
BL1 3PW 0 53.592195 -2.4419
BL1 3PX 0 53.594376 -2.4499
BL1 3PY 0 53.592229 -2.440027