all postcodes in BL3 / BOLTON

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Postcode Area

BL / Bolton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BL3 3PJ 21 13 53.564375 -2.44937
BL3 3PL 2 2 53.563722 -2.451024
BL3 3PN 10 0 53.56193 -2.45188
BL3 3PQ 5 0 53.560094 -2.454895
BL3 3PR 1 1 53.563918 -2.449063
BL3 3PS 12 4 53.563019 -2.451334
BL3 3PT 5 1 53.563028 -2.450924
BL3 3PU 17 2 53.562507 -2.451253
BL3 3PW 25 0 53.562098 -2.452411
BL3 3PX 30 0 53.562219 -2.451416
BL3 3PY 24 6 53.562169 -2.452819
BL3 3PZ 24 5 53.561244 -2.454998
BL3 3QA 19 7 53.561129 -2.454348
BL3 3QB 1 1 53.560831 -2.454888
BL3 3QD 36 3 53.559175 -2.457603
BL3 3QE 71 2 53.557377 -2.457825
BL3 3QF 23 0 53.558617 -2.457884
BL3 3QG 40 0 53.556534 -2.454827
BL3 3QJ 10 0 53.555983 -2.455621
BL3 3QL 44 2 53.557955 -2.452291