all postcodes in BL4 / BOLTON

find any address or company within the BL4 postcode district

Postcode Area

BL / Bolton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BL4 0NW 1 53.546467 -2.430753
BL4 0NX 9 53.546603 -2.427447
BL4 0NY 0 53.547527 -2.427819
BL4 0NZ 0 53.548334 -2.42632
BL4 0PA 0 53.548398 -2.428539
BL4 0PB 0 53.54813 -2.430649
BL4 0PD 0 53.548277 -2.432115
BL4 0PE 0 53.548601 -2.434168
BL4 0PF 0 53.548229 -2.435571
BL4 0PG 1 53.547984 -2.436308
BL4 0PH 0 53.548144 -2.439026
BL4 0PJ 0 53.543646 -2.432837
BL4 0PL 0 53.543506 -2.43184
BL4 0PP 0 53.546626 -2.436369
BL4 0PQ 0 53.547623 -2.436726
BL4 0PR 0 53.545119 -2.435674
BL4 0PS 0 53.545257 -2.434559
BL4 0PT 0 53.545481 -2.434788
BL4 0PU 0 53.546127 -2.435172
BL4 0PX 0 53.546072 -2.432983