all postcodes in BL6 / BOLTON

find any address or company within the BL6 postcode district

Postcode Area

BL / Bolton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BL6 5LF 1 0 53.607115 -2.598993
BL6 5LG 2 0 53.604596 -2.600785
BL6 5LH 4 0 53.609364 -2.595005
BL6 5LJ 12 0 53.6079 -2.601997
BL6 5LL 3 0 53.597956 -2.614986
BL6 5LN 7 0 53.589256 -2.595236
BL6 5LP 6 0 53.592294 -2.600597
BL6 5LQ 1 0 53.608097 -2.598539
BL6 5LR 10 0 53.590175 -2.583888
BL6 5LS 11 1 53.589058 -2.573177
BL6 5LU 7 6 53.591294 -2.540892
BL6 5LW 14 0 53.592512 -2.594874
BL6 5LX 1 0 53.595775 -2.587546
BL6 5LZ 21 0 53.597724 -2.540188
BL6 5NA 25 8 53.597878 -2.541292
BL6 5NB 28 1 53.597445 -2.540245
BL6 5ND 32 0 53.595933 -2.542583
BL6 5NE 15 0 53.594771 -2.547161
BL6 5NF 23 0 53.594709 -2.546888
BL6 5NG 28 0 53.594405 -2.546491