all postcodes in BL7 / BOLTON

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Postcode Area

BL / Bolton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BL7 0PH 5 0 53.651102 -2.398397
BL7 0PJ 10 0 53.651233 -2.400141
BL7 0PL 24 0 53.652375 -2.399955
BL7 0PN 6 0 53.652203 -2.400271
BL7 0PP 9 0 53.653783 -2.400952
BL7 0PQ 6 0 53.650108 -2.397815
BL7 0PR 14 0 53.65421 -2.399579
BL7 0PS 5 0 53.653619 -2.401782
BL7 0PT 2 0 53.652853 -2.40433
BL7 0PU 2 0 53.653993 -2.402056
BL7 0PW 8 0 53.653171 -2.401279
BL7 0PX 4 0 53.659709 -2.405578
BL7 0PY 2 0 53.661652 -2.401841
BL7 0PZ 7 0 53.662881 -2.410905
BL7 0QA 5 0 53.666266 -2.414555
BL7 0QB 2 0 53.666996 -2.416194
BL7 0QD 7 0 53.667552 -2.416533
BL7 0QE 4 0 53.656579 -2.402928
BL7 0QF 3 0 53.659064 -2.407645
BL7 0QG 16 0 53.647756 -2.39153