all postcodes in BL7 / BOLTON

find any address or company within the BL7 postcode district

Postcode Area

BL / Bolton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BL7 9YQ 10 0 53.614561 -2.408183
BL7 9BD 4 0 53.620025 -2.431291
BL7 9BB 6 0 53.619791 -2.431591
BL7 9XQ 5 0 53.623257 -2.434892
BL7 9EL 0 53.620437 -2.436647
BL7 9YT 40 0 53.625805 -2.443551
BL7 9YU 25 0 53.626303 -2.444917
BL7 9YW 35 0 53.625892 -2.444444
BL7 9YX 29 0 53.626208 -2.443934
BL7 9QW 8 0 53.627639 -2.440985
BL7 9GW 28 0 53.620495 -2.423207
BL7 9GX 51 0 53.620929 -2.422395
BL7 9GL 1 0 53.618559 -2.426635
BL7 9GA 7 0 53.617266 -2.407753
BL7 9AG 1 1 53.614022 -2.410642
BL7 9HJ 1 53.620198 -2.430748
BL7 9ZD 3 0 53.623678 -2.435304