all postcodes in BL8 / BURY

find any address or company within the BL8 postcode district

Postcode Area

BL / Bolton

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BL8 9SU 1 1 53.590172 -2.299991
BL8 9SW 1 1 53.590172 -2.299991
BL8 9SY 1 1 53.590172 -2.299991
BL8 9SZ 1 1 53.590172 -2.299991
BL8 9ZL 1 1 53.592627 -2.310206
BL8 9AG 0 53.592643 -2.310205
BL8 9GD 1 53.592627 -2.310206
BL8 9AP 0 53.592627 -2.310206
BL8 9BX 1 0 53.592627 -2.310206
BL8 9DT 0 53.592627 -2.310206
BL8 9EP 1 1 53.592627 -2.310206
BL8 9FB 1 0 53.592627 -2.310206
BL8 9FJ 1 1 53.592627 -2.310206
BL8 9FL 1 1 53.592627 -2.310206
BL8 9FQ 0 53.592627 -2.310206
BL8 9FT 1 53.592627 -2.310206
BL8 9GF 1 0 53.592627 -2.310206
BL8 9GH 1 1 53.592627 -2.310206
BL8 9GJ 1 1 53.592627 -2.310206
BL8 9GZ 1 1 53.592627 -2.310206