all postcodes in BL9 / BURY

find any address or company within the BL9 postcode district

Postcode Area

BL / Bolton

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BL9 5NQ 1 0 53.628595 -2.311574
BL9 5NR 3 0 53.631354 -2.300919
BL9 5NS 7 0 53.63149 -2.307042
BL9 5NT 11 0 53.630824 -2.311576
BL9 5NU 7 0 53.630903 -2.312166
BL9 5NW 2 0 53.629131 -2.312015
BL9 5NX 19 0 53.630175 -2.312115
BL9 5NY 10 0 53.63033 -2.31127
BL9 5NZ 17 0 53.630088 -2.310875
BL9 5PA 1 0 53.62757 -2.30446
BL9 5PB 2 0 53.624706 -2.306161
BL9 5PD 19 0 53.62842 -2.309532
BL9 5PE 3 0 53.631806 -2.313851
BL9 5PF 8 0 53.630082 -2.31337
BL9 5PG 6 0 53.63238 -2.314581
BL9 5PH 25 0 53.629563 -2.312443
BL9 5PL 27 0 53.631395 -2.313107
BL9 5PN 9 0 53.632476 -2.315625
BL9 5PQ 6 0 53.632558 -2.315112
BL9 5PR 10 0 53.632256 -2.316544