all postcodes in BL9 / BURY

find any address or company within the BL9 postcode district

Postcode Area

BL / Bolton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BL9 6JP 1 0 53.605405 -2.274755
BL9 6JQ 20 0 53.601832 -2.276999
BL9 6JR 10 0 53.605182 -2.274195
BL9 6JS 46 0 53.603262 -2.272746
BL9 6JT 49 0 53.603198 -2.273184
BL9 6JU 38 0 53.601521 -2.271451
BL9 6JW 55 0 53.60299 -2.2735
BL9 6JX 5 0 53.600782 -2.272443
BL9 6JY 13 0 53.601111 -2.273579
BL9 6JZ 42 8 53.600531 -2.275083
BL9 6LA 10 0 53.601181 -2.27441
BL9 6LB 14 0 53.600392 -2.273891
BL9 6LD 48 0 53.599907 -2.273677
BL9 6LE 1 53.598294 -2.275419
BL9 6LG 0 53.600231 -2.281053
BL9 6LH 0 53.601341 -2.279398
BL9 6LJ 1 53.600683 -2.279877
BL9 6LL 10 53.602437 -2.290648
BL9 6LN 0 53.603627 -2.289221
BL9 6LP 0 53.602944 -2.289352