all postcodes in BN11 / WORTHING

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Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN11 1JT 1 50.817657 -0.371416
BN11 1JU 1 50.818302 -0.370571
BN11 1JX 4 50.818182 -0.36968
BN11 1JY 8 50.819085 -0.367363
BN11 1LA 0 50.818496 -0.368988
BN11 1LB 6 50.818673 -0.367491
BN11 1LD 1 50.812815 -0.369186
BN11 1LG 4 50.814168 -0.368826
BN11 1LL 7 50.813757 -0.367748
BN11 1LX 0 50.813591 -0.367373
BN11 1LY 23 50.813062 -0.369461
BN11 1LZ 18 50.812241 -0.369277
BN11 1NA 1 50.813119 -0.369048
BN11 1NB 0 50.815843 -0.366397
BN11 1NF 1 50.813354 -0.367194
BN11 1NG 1 50.813354 -0.367194
BN11 1NN 1 50.81414 -0.370715
BN11 1NU 2 50.812304 -0.367304
BN11 1NX 9 50.812036 -0.368691
BN11 1NZ 2 50.812031 -0.367697