all postcodes in BN11 / WORTHING

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Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN11 3HA 11 50.810447 -0.370901
BN11 3HB 3 50.810331 -0.372253
BN11 3HD 0 50.809426 -0.377692
BN11 3HE 11 50.810229 -0.373988
BN11 3HF 11 50.810157 -0.375254
BN11 3HG 15 50.810056 -0.377046
BN11 3HH 3 50.810065 -0.378366
BN11 3HL 0 50.810383 -0.379916
BN11 3HN 1 50.81041 -0.38054
BN11 3HP 0 50.810658 -0.378941
BN11 3HR 0 50.811194 -0.38003
BN11 3HS 0 50.810527 -0.381107
BN11 3HT 0 50.811131 -0.381296
BN11 3HX 0 50.810815 -0.382527
BN11 3HY 0 50.810102 -0.382949
BN11 3JB 1 50.810727 -0.383921
BN11 3JD 0 50.809862 -0.387698
BN11 3JE 0 50.810476 -0.383376
BN11 3JG 2 50.810001 -0.378907
BN11 3JJ 18 50.809732 -0.379612