all postcodes in BN13 / WORTHING

find any address or company within the BN13 postcode district

Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN13 2SD 12 0 50.829353 -0.415512
BN13 2SE 8 0 50.829111 -0.416202
BN13 2SF 14 0 50.828964 -0.416647
BN13 2SG 22 0 50.83124 -0.415405
BN13 2SH 26 0 50.830423 -0.415447
BN13 2SJ 64 0 50.83088 -0.414026
BN13 2SN 8 0 50.830814 -0.416485
BN13 2SP 33 0 50.828033 -0.41763
BN13 2SQ 18 0 50.831562 -0.415877
BN13 2SR 10 0 50.829167 -0.418358
BN13 2SS 4 0 50.829476 -0.419924
BN13 2ST 14 0 50.829466 -0.4192
BN13 2SU 23 0 50.829125 -0.417224
BN13 2SW 4 0 50.830563 -0.414409
BN13 2SX 36 0 50.828941 -0.418948
BN13 2SY 42 0 50.829226 -0.420713
BN13 2SZ 20 0 50.830786 -0.415705
BN13 2TB 71 0 50.832713 -0.417202
BN13 2TD 24 0 50.830971 -0.417459
BN13 2TE 42 0 50.830148 -0.418396