all postcodes in BN13 / WORTHING

find any address or company within the BN13 postcode district

Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN13 2NT 19 0 50.833623 -0.406804
BN13 2NU 34 0 50.832628 -0.40769
BN13 2NW 2 0 50.831629 -0.411405
BN13 2NX 15 0 50.833257 -0.408932
BN13 2NY 17 0 50.832487 -0.409867
BN13 2NZ 6 0 50.832147 -0.410646
BN13 2PA 34 0 50.831902 -0.409191
BN13 2PB 26 0 50.832008 -0.407086
BN13 2PD 6 0 50.832768 -0.406095
BN13 2PE 6 0 50.83926 -0.40995
BN13 2PG 39 0 50.8347 -0.410587
BN13 2PH 21 0 50.83718 -0.408458
BN13 2PJ 21 0 50.838569 -0.409433
BN13 2PL 19 0 50.836474 -0.409419
BN13 2PN 18 0 50.837546 -0.409596
BN13 2PP 49 0 50.83829 -0.40612
BN13 2PR 24 0 50.837192 -0.406682
BN13 2PQ 1 1 50.828219 -0.414116
BN13 2PS 30 0 50.838189 -0.407245
BN13 2PT 36 0 50.838013 -0.40816