all postcodes in BN13 / WORTHING

find any address or company within the BN13 postcode district

Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN13 3HH 35 0 50.832943 -0.423556
BN13 3HJ 36 0 50.833469 -0.423893
BN13 3HL 19 0 50.834022 -0.424258
BN13 3HN 29 0 50.834065 -0.42278
BN13 3HP 9 0 50.835109 -0.416836
BN13 3HQ 26 0 50.840358 -0.412654
BN13 3HR 11 0 50.833292 -0.422152
BN13 3HS 13 0 50.833907 -0.421691
BN13 3HT 8 0 50.835342 -0.417482
BN13 3HU 13 2 50.835913 -0.413799
BN13 3HW 9 0 50.835322 -0.416616
BN13 3HX 21 0 50.836439 -0.414775
BN13 3HY 24 0 50.836485 -0.414177
BN13 3HZ 24 0 50.83742 -0.414159
BN13 3JA 15 0 50.837654 -0.41489
BN13 3JB 16 0 50.837737 -0.414333
BN13 3JD 22 0 50.839305 -0.415246
BN13 3JE 17 0 50.83819 -0.412599
BN13 3JF 24 0 50.8383 -0.414073
BN13 3JG 21 0 50.835659 -0.416307