all postcodes in BN14 / WORTHING

find any address or company within the BN14 postcode district

Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN14 9ET 8 0 50.830274 -0.367498
BN14 9EU 25 1 50.831479 -0.367456
BN14 9EW 1 1 50.828134 -0.367516
BN14 9EX 17 0 50.833034 -0.367402
BN14 9EY 15 0 50.833033 -0.36672
BN14 9EZ 10 0 50.833994 -0.36663
BN14 9GX 24 0 50.830581 -0.375965
BN14 9HA 18 0 50.832314 -0.367995
BN14 9HB 33 0 50.833187 -0.368703
BN14 9HD 51 0 50.8319 -0.368649
BN14 9HE 30 0 50.83259 -0.369761
BN14 9HF 20 0 50.833295 -0.369978
BN14 9HG 27 0 50.830876 -0.36806
BN14 9HH 45 0 50.830212 -0.368821
BN14 9HJ 14 0 50.829006 -0.368167
BN14 9HP 7 0 50.827313 -0.370555
BN14 9HQ 37 0 50.830977 -0.369533
BN14 9HR 18 0 50.833642 -0.372351
BN14 9HS 5 2 50.833215 -0.373914
BN14 9HT 5 0 50.833113 -0.375664