all postcodes in BN16 / LITTLEHAMPTON

find any address or company within the BN16 postcode district

Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN16 2NA 1 50.804035 -0.524333
BN16 2NB 1 50.803192 -0.523134
BN16 2ND 0 50.803086 -0.515459
BN16 2NE 6 50.810181 -0.504887
BN16 2NG 0 50.802746 -0.523417
BN16 2NL 4 50.809007 -0.507295
BN16 2NN 0 50.809652 -0.505689
BN16 2NP 0 50.809661 -0.507818
BN16 2NR 0 50.809296 -0.506732
BN16 2NS 0 50.809677 -0.506237
BN16 2NT 0 50.802704 -0.516564
BN16 2NU 1 50.820402 -0.509444
BN16 2NW 2 50.809428 -0.505067
BN16 2NY 0 50.812086 -0.517445
BN16 2NZ 0 50.812318 -0.518673
BN16 2PA 0 50.811643 -0.518651
BN16 2PB 0 50.810837 -0.518265
BN16 2PD 0 50.810369 -0.517514
BN16 2PE 0 50.807759 -0.518065
BN16 2PF 0 50.808132 -0.516264