all postcodes in BN18 / ARUNDEL

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Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN18 0EJ 4 0 50.822879 -0.608849
BN18 0EL 5 0 50.82188 -0.610298
BN18 0EN 22 0 50.821663 -0.610901
BN18 0EP 7 0 50.8222 -0.606966
BN18 0EQ 11 0 50.822414 -0.609771
BN18 0ER 6 0 50.821499 -0.61305
BN18 0ES 28 0 50.82095 -0.611447
BN18 0ET 9 2 50.820911 -0.612698
BN18 0EU 10 0 50.820629 -0.613231
BN18 0EW 14 0 50.821817 -0.612572
BN18 0EX 6 0 50.818972 -0.61076
BN18 0EY 12 5 50.819436 -0.61049
BN18 0EZ 29 1 50.819253 -0.611725
BN18 0FA 9 0 50.837629 -0.576867
BN18 0FB 7 0 50.837563 -0.577381
BN18 0FD 8 0 50.837413 -0.577627
BN18 0FE 9 0 50.837718 -0.577575
BN18 0FF 4 0 50.838005 -0.577495
BN18 0FG 18 0 50.838222 -0.577588
BN18 0HA 9 0 50.818924 -0.612743