all postcodes in BN2 / BRIGHTON

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Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN2 6LJ 43 0 50.83098 -0.071888
BN2 6LL 22 0 50.832489 -0.072365
BN2 6LN 59 0 50.835293 -0.071682
BN2 6LP 37 0 50.835438 -0.072258
BN2 6LQ 4 0 50.836605 -0.071627
BN2 6LR 20 0 50.833289 -0.073397
BN2 6LT 7 0 50.833146 -0.072906
BN2 6NA 25 0 50.837873 -0.07487
BN2 6NB 1 0 50.835229 -0.074865
BN2 6ND 22 5 50.836364 -0.075018
BN2 6NE 46 0 50.835111 -0.073748
BN2 6NF 60 0 50.838998 -0.072225
BN2 6NG 60 0 50.838588 -0.071318
BN2 6NH 42 0 50.839474 -0.070515
BN2 6NJ 16 0 50.839834 -0.068923
BN2 6NL 33 0 50.838767 -0.06803
BN2 6NN 20 0 50.839528 -0.068368
BN2 6NP 17 0 50.839322 -0.067297
BN2 6NQ 40 0 50.838935 -0.066191
BN2 6PA 18 1 50.829357 -0.070322