all postcodes in BN2 / BRIGHTON

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Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN2 9NP 18 1 50.827965 -0.131467
BN2 9NQ 16 0 50.828813 -0.130524
BN2 9NR 48 0 50.828743 -0.131734
BN2 9NS 53 0 50.828359 -0.130784
BN2 9NT 25 0 50.828263 -0.130447
BN2 9NU 56 0 50.828051 -0.1301
BN2 9NW 40 1 50.826893 -0.129692
BN2 9NX 22 2 50.826058 -0.128107
BN2 9NY 58 0 50.827793 -0.129713
BN2 9NZ 8 0 50.82616 -0.128813
BN2 9PA 46 0 50.826735 -0.12994
BN2 9PD 44 0 50.826257 -0.129831
BN2 9PE 22 0 50.825898 -0.12817
BN2 9PF 2 0 50.828424 -0.13355
BN2 9PH 8 3 50.827128 -0.133659
BN2 9PJ 46 0 50.826822 -0.131953
BN2 9PL 12 0 50.827078 -0.131673
BN2 9PN 24 0 50.827888 -0.133415
BN2 9PP 12 0 50.827684 -0.133381
BN2 9PS 1 1 50.827627 -0.133965