all postcodes in BN21 / EASTBOURNE

find any address or company within the BN21 postcode district

Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN21 1NG 33 1 50.773346 0.268178
BN21 1NH 6 0 50.772979 0.269026
BN21 1NJ 9 0 50.773109 0.269698
BN21 1NL 36 0 50.773429 0.269927
BN21 1NN 10 0 50.773804 0.269108
BN21 1NP 9 4 50.774233 0.26832
BN21 1NR 10 0 50.774072 0.268284
BN21 1NS 2 0 50.774374 0.268285
BN21 1NU 4 2 50.773804 0.268186
BN21 1NW 7 0 50.773576 0.268842
BN21 1NX 22 5 50.773928 0.267852
BN21 1NY 9 0 50.774214 0.267936
BN21 1NZ 2 0 50.774438 0.268189
BN21 1PB 3 1 50.774078 0.267518
BN21 1PD 8 4 50.773585 0.267906
BN21 1PH 3 0 50.772886 0.267291
BN21 1PJ 31 0 50.773643 0.265852
BN21 1PL 2 0 50.772955 0.265833
BN21 1PP 29 1 50.773411 0.267146
BN21 1PQ 20 0 50.773326 0.267369