all postcodes in BN22 / EASTBOURNE

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Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN22 7LU 51 0 50.78111 0.312943
BN22 7LW 13 0 50.780253 0.303963
BN22 7NA 1 0 50.769808 0.294529
BN22 7NB 27 9 50.770427 0.294858
BN22 7NE 13 4 50.771522 0.295166
BN22 7NG 16 3 50.771745 0.295262
BN22 7NH 3 0 50.771098 0.295259
BN22 7NL 12 4 50.772524 0.29547
BN22 7NN 29 5 50.774069 0.296242
BN22 7NP 32 2 50.776081 0.297545
BN22 7NR 13 5 50.776988 0.298286
BN22 7NT 42 7 50.777948 0.299098
BN22 7NU 36 12 50.778974 0.299985
BN22 7NW 27 0 50.77483 0.296676
BN22 7NX 11 0 50.779015 0.300626
BN22 7NY 24 1 50.778696 0.301051
BN22 7NZ 6 5 50.779364 0.300728
BN22 7PA 24 6 50.780221 0.301011
BN22 7PB 12 0 50.780031 0.301527
BN22 7PD 23 0 50.779959 0.30202