all postcodes in BN25 / SEAFORD

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Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN25 1DH 1 1 50.772678 0.099275
BN25 1DJ 10 3 50.772337 0.099232
BN25 1DL 1 1 50.771824 0.099223
BN25 1DN 5 0 50.772316 0.09889
BN25 1DP 3 0 50.772379 0.098354
BN25 1DR 13 1 50.772484 0.097536
BN25 1DS 18 0 50.772214 0.097538
BN25 1DT 6 0 50.771969 0.098166
BN25 1DU 18 1 50.771875 0.097396
BN25 1DW 5 0 50.772503 0.098998
BN25 1DY 24 0 50.771476 0.097548
BN25 1DZ 16 0 50.771297 0.096533
BN25 1EA 34 0 50.771183 0.097875
BN25 1EB 29 0 50.770951 0.097241
BN25 1ED 1 1 50.771286 0.100376
BN25 1EE 10 0 50.771274 0.098815
BN25 1EF 6 0 50.771535 0.099309
BN25 1EG 12 0 50.770773 0.098679
BN25 1EH 6 0 50.771584 0.099581
BN25 1EL 12 0 50.772162 0.100174