all postcodes in BN27 / HAILSHAM

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Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN27 1ED 6 0 50.865112 0.256044
BN27 1EN 23 0 50.866649 0.257525
BN27 1EP 9 1 50.872212 0.26446
BN27 1ER 9 1 50.870687 0.269561
BN27 1ET 16 0 50.873146 0.261962
BN27 1EU 6 0 50.87276 0.253343
BN27 1EW 27 0 50.866666 0.258024
BN27 1EX 12 0 50.873167 0.254614
BN27 1EY 27 0 50.87346 0.25666
BN27 1HA 20 0 50.873241 0.259166
BN27 1HB 8 0 50.872485 0.260593
BN27 1HD 6 0 50.872288 0.262389
BN27 1HE 16 0 50.874645 0.258622
BN27 1HG 44 0 50.872656 0.257787
BN27 1HH 25 0 50.878845 0.257035
BN27 1HP 19 0 50.877524 0.255549
BN27 1HQ 5 0 50.872036 0.260771
BN27 1HR 20 0 50.878434 0.256631
BN27 1HS 5 0 50.878591 0.258074
BN27 1HT 5 0 50.87819 0.258126