all postcodes in BN3 / HOVE

find any address or company within the BN3 postcode district

Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN3 2WP 0 50.824624 -0.176639
BN3 2WQ 0 50.824648 -0.177646
BN3 2WR 0 50.824487 -0.175934
BN3 2WS 0 50.824436 -0.175595
BN3 2WW 1 50.82526 -0.178815
BN3 2YH 1 50.834409 -0.168063
BN3 2YX 1 50.834409 -0.168063
BN3 2EZ 6 1 50.826125 -0.165136
BN3 2FT 7 2 50.825748 -0.165207
BN3 2FX 5 0 50.825909 -0.16513
BN3 2GZ 12 0 50.826001 -0.173248
BN3 2LY 12 0 50.826207 -0.173198