all postcodes in BN3 / HOVE

find any address or company within the BN3 postcode district

Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN3 6XD 57 0 50.851958 -0.17742
BN3 6XE 17 0 50.85128 -0.178952
BN3 6XF 71 0 50.853022 -0.17762
BN3 6XG 10 0 50.85183 -0.176715
BN3 6XH 19 0 50.851177 -0.17755
BN3 6HX 1 0 50.835891 -0.171158
BN3 6AF 3 2 50.835888 -0.170604
BN3 6XJ 1 0 50.85752 -0.176564
BN3 6AH 1 0 50.833451 -0.163741
BN3 6AJ 0 50.838935 -0.170485
BN3 6AL 0 50.839022 -0.170865
BN3 6AN 0 50.83908 -0.171147