all postcodes in BN42 / BRIGHTON

find any address or company within the BN42 postcode district

Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN42 4LP 16 1 50.839361 -0.224881
BN42 4LQ 27 0 50.839179 -0.227672
BN42 4LR 18 0 50.839496 -0.227248
BN42 4LS 15 0 50.839757 -0.229624
BN42 4LT 21 0 50.839466 -0.230587
BN42 4NA 10 1 50.836901 -0.232814
BN42 4NB 17 0 50.836482 -0.232461
BN42 4ND 12 4 50.836805 -0.231227
BN42 4NE 49 0 50.837491 -0.230832
BN42 4NF 17 2 50.836301 -0.228874
BN42 4NG 9 1 50.836757 -0.229851
BN42 4NH 37 17 50.835048 -0.220415
BN42 4NJ 24 0 50.83582 -0.227969
BN42 4NL 10 0 50.836675 -0.227411
BN42 4NN 11 0 50.83618 -0.226834
BN42 4NP 33 0 50.835541 -0.224415
BN42 4NQ 43 0 50.835882 -0.223791
BN42 4NR 7 0 50.835712 -0.220318
BN42 4NS 55 0 50.834769 -0.223735
BN42 4NT 45 3 50.834345 -0.224404