all postcodes in BN44 / STEYNING

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Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN44 3HP 2 50.884553 -0.304754
BN44 3HQ 0 50.885543 -0.301704
BN44 3HR 0 50.884374 -0.301747
BN44 3HS 0 50.885972 -0.301518
BN44 3HT 0 50.885088 -0.302574
BN44 3HU 0 50.885536 -0.306169
BN44 3HW 0 50.883006 -0.30639
BN44 3HX 0 50.885877 -0.303043
BN44 3HY 2 50.884763 -0.302332
BN44 3HZ 6 50.882383 -0.305814
BN44 3JA 1 50.882488 -0.306237
BN44 3JB 0 50.885064 -0.300329
BN44 3JD 7 50.885626 -0.29937
BN44 3JE 4 50.883168 -0.2998
BN44 3JF 0 50.883144 -0.300612
BN44 3JG 0 50.883548 -0.298735
BN44 3JH 0 50.883758 -0.305778
BN44 3JJ 0 50.882613 -0.297503
BN44 3JL 0 50.882642 -0.297033
BN44 3JN 0 50.883307 -0.296355