all postcodes in BN5 / STEYNING

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Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN5 9BD 6 2 50.94921 -0.241529
BN5 9BE 2 0 50.949713 -0.243859
BN5 9BH 3 0 50.949618 -0.238451
BN5 9BJ 17 7 50.951268 -0.236069
BN5 9BL 10 0 50.958222 -0.259898
BN5 9BP 8 0 50.96421 -0.247783
BN5 9BS 4 0 50.963165 -0.261522
BN5 9BT 8 0 50.966082 -0.256913
BN5 9BU 10 0 50.964059 -0.241921
BN5 9BW 35 0 50.935939 -0.274578
BN5 9DA 29 11 50.930496 -0.272616
BN5 9DB 25 11 50.930264 -0.272113
BN5 9DD 14 2 50.929277 -0.272009
BN5 9DE 17 8 50.929188 -0.272681
BN5 9DG 8 0 50.930849 -0.273372
BN5 9DJ 1 1 50.930998 -0.272498
BN5 9DL 1 1 50.930811 -0.272676
BN5 9DN 14 0 50.925223 -0.271204
BN5 9DP 30 5 50.928364 -0.272596
BN5 9DQ 10 5 50.929959 -0.272224