all postcodes in BN6 / HASSOCKS

find any address or company within the BN6 postcode district

Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN6 8LH 21 1 50.921763 -0.139706
BN6 8LJ 19 1 50.92049 -0.140284
BN6 8LL 13 0 50.920834 -0.140127
BN6 8LN 4 0 50.923381 -0.140239
BN6 8LP 42 2 50.92193 -0.137779
BN6 8LQ 30 0 50.92174 -0.140547
BN6 8LR 25 0 50.920533 -0.135345
BN6 8LS 26 1 50.920142 -0.135659
BN6 8LT 20 0 50.919128 -0.131261
BN6 8LU 22 0 50.920798 -0.132204
BN6 8LW 8 1 50.922842 -0.139706
BN6 8LX 16 1 50.919082 -0.132358
BN6 8LY 1 1 50.922183 -0.140145
BN6 8LZ 10 0 50.930356 -0.129302
BN6 8NA 40 0 50.920935 -0.132896
BN6 8NB 26 0 50.929523 -0.133462
BN6 8ND 6 0 50.930346 -0.122486
BN6 8NE 40 0 50.929591 -0.130145
BN6 8NF 33 0 50.928338 -0.131318
BN6 8NG 17 0 50.928668 -0.133938