all postcodes in BN / Brighton

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Postcode Area

BN / Brighton

Postcode District

BN / Brighton

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BN1 2LJ 94 2 50.82296 -0.15322
BN1 2LL 91 3 50.823095 -0.153598
BN1 2LN 17 10 50.821637 -0.15259
BN1 2LP 20 0 50.822631 -0.154042
BN1 2LQ 166 4 50.823973 -0.153591
BN1 2LR 22 1 50.824527 -0.15161
BN1 2LS 7 0 50.824419 -0.153361
BN1 2LY 16 0 50.824576 -0.152489
BN1 2NA 1 1 50.822515 -0.153507
BN1 2ND 30 0 50.823664 -0.153362
BN1 2NE 30 0 50.823664 -0.153362
BN1 2NF 30 0 50.823664 -0.153362
BN1 2NL 19 0 50.824234 -0.153027
BN1 2NN 34 1 50.823422 -0.152293
BN1 2NW 1 1 50.824538 -0.151738
BN1 2PA 17 8 50.825227 -0.15438
BN1 2PB 60 2 50.824434 -0.155448
BN1 2PD 49 2 50.824114 -0.155105
BN1 2PE 46 2 50.824555 -0.154364
BN1 2PF 2 1 50.824751 -0.155549