all postcodes in BR1 / BROMLEY

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR1 9TA 1 1 51.403879 0.020377
BR1 9TB 1 1 51.403879 0.020377
BR1 9TD 1 1 51.403879 0.020377
BR1 9TE 1 1 51.403879 0.020377
BR1 9TF 1 1 51.403879 0.020377
BR1 9AN 1 1 51.408226 0.017578
BR1 9AW 1 1 51.408226 0.017578
BR1 9DJ 1 1 51.408226 0.017578
BR1 9DT 1 1 51.408226 0.017578
BR1 9DU 1 1 51.408226 0.017578
BR1 9DW 1 1 51.408226 0.017578
BR1 9ED 1 51.408226 0.017578
BR1 9EE 1 51.408226 0.017578
BR1 9EF 1 51.408226 0.017578
BR1 9EJ 0 51.408226 0.017578
BR1 9FB 1 1 51.408226 0.017578
BR1 9FD 1 1 51.408226 0.017578
BR1 9GB 1 1 51.408226 0.017578
BR1 9GF 1 0 51.408226 0.017578
BR1 9GG 1 1 51.408226 0.017578