all postcodes in BR2 / KESTON

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR2 0BL 6 0 51.407521 -0.00267
BR2 0BN 6 0 51.40666 0.000355
BR2 0BP 36 0 51.407888 6.4E-5
BR2 0BQ 15 0 51.414353 -0.005205
BR2 0BS 1 1 51.406891 -0.003704
BR2 0BT 22 0 51.413627 -0.004791
BR2 0BW 7 2 51.406182 0.000449
BR2 0BX 60 0 51.41354 -0.006521
BR2 0DA 33 4 51.406051 0.008622
BR2 0DB 4 0 51.406736 0.009029
BR2 0DD 30 0 51.406676 0.009918
BR2 0BZ 9 0 51.405942 0.004465
BR2 0DE 9 0 51.406829 0.010413
BR2 0DF 4 0 51.406574 0.00958
BR2 0DG 17 0 51.406526 0.007654
BR2 0DH 28 0 51.407589 0.010188
BR2 0DJ 10 0 51.4071 0.007722
BR2 0DL 14 0 51.407195 0.006921
BR2 0DN 45 11 51.406307 0.003661
BR2 0DP 18 0 51.405551 0.001586