all postcodes in BR2 / KESTON

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Postcode Area

BR / Bromley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BR2 9SP 4 4 51.397924 0.028852
BR2 9SQ 21 0 51.393347 0.039664
BR2 9ST 9 0 51.391305 0.033996
BR2 9SU 63 0 51.396231 0.028407
BR2 9SW 13 0 51.390159 0.036288
BR2 9SX 2 1 51.390563 0.033256
BR2 9TG 32 0 51.388315 0.040992
BR2 9TH 22 0 51.389698 0.035405
BR2 9TX 8 0 51.395883 0.029323
BR2 9WP 1 1 51.408226 0.017578
BR2 9WR 1 0 51.408226 0.017578
BR2 9WZ 1 1 51.408226 0.017578
BR2 9XP 1 0 51.408226 0.017578
BR2 9XS 1 1 51.408226 0.017578
BR2 9XT 1 1 51.408226 0.017578
BR2 9XU 1 0 51.408226 0.017578
BR2 9XY 1 1 51.408226 0.017578
BR2 9YB 1 1 51.408226 0.017604
BR2 9YE 1 1 51.408226 0.017578
BR2 9ZN 1 0 51.408226 0.017578